Completion of law 7/3/2016

Mar - 08 2016 | By

New but mainly brings major changes the new law Law 4039/14 concerning the protection of pets …
Any responsible pet owner should be aware of the main points of the law, but obligations and rights deriving from him.
The most important points of the law are:
-The owner of any pet animal is obliged to inform the vet for the change of the elements – either for himself or his pet – registered in the database.
-Becomes mandatory labelling even for Sheepdogs, aiming at the supervision of the population and safeguarding their health.
-Breeder license is required for those who sell animals, even in the case of having a single breeding female animal. Farming license, pet shops and required for amateur breeders of dogs or cats.
-It is forbidden the sale of dogs and cats in outdoor public areas, including outdoor markets in these areas because it is not possible to ensure the necessary conditions for good health.
– Prohibited the importation and marketing of dogs who are amputees.
-Clarify the reintegration of stray. Thus, it is prohibited to re-enter at the entrances and exits of ports, in the walled archaeological sites and in closed markets.
-Dogs – blind guides will be able to enter without gagging or transport cage, regardless of size.
Fines for incidents of abuse, neglect and failure to comply with the rules made stricter welfare while also added new fines, such as those prohibiting the importation and marketing of mutilated dogs and inflict fines amounting to EUR 1000 per animal.
Pet owner:
1. Should ERI µ µ µ obliged the CE marking µ e chip and recording of the pet and the health booklet version µ µ period within a month from the µ acquisition of the animal.
2. In µ µ e important point clear in the animal's collar should be fitted the metal badge µ µ received the owner receives each year from the vet during the annual anti-rabies vaccination µ µ.
3. Is obliged to secure suitable accommodation at the pet.
4. Every dog owner is obliged to arrange for pet promenade, which should always be done with an escort. At the same time, appropriate measures must be taken the animal to not enter into public areas or areas of other properties.
5. During the walk, the pet's owner is obliged to immediately cleans the environment the animal's droppings. Non-compliance shall entail a fine.
6. Spaying and neutering of animals is the responsibility of the owner, while for any damage cause the responsible pet owner.
7. There is no restriction on the number of pets you may keep a building tenant. If, however, under the Statute of limitation exists, cannot have more than two animals.
Keeping pets in apartment building is permitted under the following conditions:
a) to reside in the same apartment with the landlord.
b) not remain permanently in open areas of the apartment or the terraces.
c) kept in the apartment the welfare rules, health and law enforcement provisions.
d) To flying animals chip and have health booklet.
8. It shall be prohibited to retain and stay of pets in public areas of the building. But with the assent of other residents, are allowed in the garden, uncovered as well as a building.
9. In the houses, the keeping of pets allowed if marked and registered legally and carry health booklet. At the same time, you must observe the rules of good treatment and welfare of animals, the animal health provisions in force and the provisions relating to police peace.
10. The transfer of small companion animals in all road, rail and track-based public transportation, passenger ships and taxis can be done if the animals are placed in a secure container and of course accompanied by the owner or holder.
In the absence of valid anti-rabies vaccinations and non-metallic face mounting or skip cleaning the environment of the animal's droppings 100 euros.
Failure to submit to the appropriate municipality of electronic identification certificate copy 300 euros.
Non-possession updated and endorsed health booklets or passport 300 euros.
Failure to comply with the rules for safe walking the dog or failing to take measures to prevent the exit of dog 300 euros.
Abandoning wounded animal after traffic accident 300 euros.
Failure to observe the rules of animal welfare, pet or examination by veterinarian 500 euros.
Failure to observe the rules of welfare, health and police devices and maintaining more than two pets in an apartment where the regulation prohibits the keeping of pet animals 500 euros.
Sale pet with age less than eight weeks and selling dogs and cats in outdoor spaces 1000 Euro per animal.
Breeding of even one breeding female dog breeding licence without 1000 Euro per animal.
Rearing and reproduction of mutilated animals after the expiry of the transitional period to EUR 1000 per animal.
Import and marketing of mutilated dogs 1000 Euro per animal.
Absence of specific crate in passenger ships for the transport of large animals 5000 euros.
Animal use in outdoor public report with financial benefit 5000 Euro for each animal used.
Breeding and training the animal for 10000 euro duel per animal.
Keeping an animal in the circus troupe or used in any manner or purpose in the program or performs show 20000 euros for each animal held.
Abuse, torture, abuse or animal cruelty, as well as marketing or distribution via Internet 30000 euro for each animal and each incident.

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