
Education is a great and perhaps the most important part of the life of each animal. Especially those who live in herds, in order to ensure the food and safety officers from the oldest.
Even solitary animals with primitive behaviors trained from the environment, their friends and their enemies in order to survive and to avoid pain.

What offers education in Animal?lykos

Ensures the orderly cohabitation of the animal with the owner, those around him and the other animals, the safety and physical and mental health. A well-trained dog is a good witness of its kind and excellent practitioner of kynofilikoy sentiment.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhat dogs need training?

Education is something very misunderstood nowadays. We usually believe that education need only working dogs, hunting, racing, and reports, which is entirely wrong. All dogs, regardless of breed and size necessarily require at least basic education.

At what age is better education?OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

The most important is the early start of training. The ekpaid
eytis monitors the evolution of puppies and advise its owner until the age of 6 months, so begins the mostly education.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe can train older dogs?

An experienced trainer can handle even the most difficult cases and to control the behavior of an animal of great age, which has already formed personality and character.


It is difficult training for the animal?papia

We must emphasize that we do not exercise any violence for the training of the animal. The training is done in the form of the game, like exercise that rejuvenates and fills with joy and energy.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA How long does the training?

The instructor, before I tell you the time and cost of training, you need to test and evaluate your dog, depending on the particular requirements and personality.




There are many types of training?

The ekpaideytirio we can provide training:


Needs and the cooperation of the owner in education?

alma (1)If the owner actively participates and occasionally in dog training, will create a closer bonding with him, and the dog will have better performance characteristics which will develop.




What does it mean for an owner to have a trained dog?raul

The education acts as a catalyst in the character of the dog and make him a serious and balanced without unpredictable outbursts, flares or risky behavior. So the dog does not need to be punished ever. A trained dog is also happy because he enjoys constantly a happy owner and the same insured from many dangers.

The beginnings of the concepts of education and the foundations of coexistence properly starting from the first time the presence of young pet at home. The age of the dog can be very small, even eight weeks, but let's not forget that the dog training for groups of people with disabilities starts at young ages and the efficiency of education is very high. Referring to dogs that will take care of the owners and not to dogs which will go to professionals. In these we put age limit the 4.5 months (obedience) for the reason that I have completed vaccinations, you have changed the teeth and will be ready to handle physically and mentally in the game of obedience. training with the owner starts very early because there is the daily contact and the relationship is direct. The behavior of the owner for the puppy is analogous to be had if you ekpaideyame a toddler in behavioural issues. Can work through the game and with frequent iterations-with application, namely, the theory of dependent reflex of Paylof. We give great weight to the mood of the owner and the taste to come out good result and invested time and patience. Materials that you will need an amateur for the first steps of training a puppy is a long leash-Guide, simple, not pnichtis collar and a chain. The same exercises can be performed and by larger dogs will only take longer to get results.

Basic obedience

The "basic obedience" is the process by which the dog learns to obey different rules and commands. The "basic obedience" is considered necessary in order to achieve a harmonious symbiosis of human-dog in the same space. The dog learns to be propped up when prompted and follow some basic instructions given that it's dog may not understand the rules of behavior of people. In many cases this has led to problems in others, causing damage or even jeopardizing himself.

Some examples

  • The time of eating the dog tries eagerly to get a seat at the table and whether it is possible to snatch a morsel of a dish.
  • The dog plays free in the Park. The time of withdrawal stubbornly refuses to respond to the calls of its owner, and removed after understand that this means the end of the game and returning home.
  • Common occurrence, especially with large dogs, is the transformation of "go walk the dog to the dog to go ride". The dog pulling on the leash wanting to designate this route "dragging" back of its owner.
  • The dog escaped before the owner of the pass the strap came out on the street and directed running toward an adjacent Boulevard. Any owner's call is probably unable to stop him before he found between cars.

The above examples are just a few of many that every dog owner faces on a daily basis. These problems lead many times the owner to exercise violence to the dog, to the neglect, has permanently attached or even abandons him.

The basis of the problem is not that the dog does not understand but that man doesn't understand.

For these reasons we believe that the "basic obedience" is very important for all dogs, regardless of breed, size or age. In the AEGEAN not only trained CANINE dog and the owner. The training lasts 5-7 weeks during which the dog remain to us. During the training is never use violence.

In the "basic obedience" the dog learns to respond correctly to commands below.


Learning goes to its owner by listening to this mandate.

Fuss or leg or Near or along

Learns to walk near the left foot of its owner without pulling on the leash.

Just sit

With this command the dog sits at the back of the legs or when the owner of the request or when walking along and the owner stopped. This command can be given and initiate and from afar.


Lie down. This command can be given and initiate and from afar.


Remains at the point that he was given the command to "Sit" or "Down" until given another command.


By listening to this command the dog understands that he is free to run/play.

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